Washington Institute of Natural Medicine

Markell Miller
Markell Miller
Certified Bach Flower Practitioner

"Suffering is a corrective to point out a lesson which by other means we have failed to grasp, and never can it be eradicated until that lesson is learnt." Dr. Edward Bach

About Me:
I am a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP) with 15+ years of experience using Bach Flower remedies, and Metaphysical approaches to achieving optimal health. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a certificate in Holistic Health Care which is recognized by the American Naturopathic and Holistic Association. My holistic practice of health and healing is also grounded in the philosophy that physical ailments can be linked to mental causes, and through achieving balanced thought patterns, one can reverse illnesses and create optimal health and happiness.

Metaphysical Intuitive Consultations:
Each session typically starts with what is on a client’s mind. We then explore the interconnectivity between one’s current situation and the evolution of one’s higher self. We gently move through any blockages, patterns, habits, or energetic imbalances that may be limiting one’s ability to move forward pain free and with ease. We discuss detailed solutions and strategies on how to rewire any negative emotional/thought patterns connected to the root cause of one’s well-being. Based on the teachings of self-help authors, such as, Louise Hay, Carolyn Myss, and Norman Shealy, I provide clients with insight and offer intriguing alternative approaches to self-awareness and optimal health. During sessions, clients have the opportunity to gain deeper understandings of the origins behind current conditions in their lives, and develop greater insights into the energetic imbalances contributing to their depleted well-being or illness.

I have a knack for getting to the core of a situation, illness, or disease. It is my unique gifts, experience, and skills similar to a Medical Intuitive that gives me the ability to tap into subtle vibrations of energy for the benefit of my client’s health and happiness. I combine my knowledge, intuition, and innate abilities to assist individuals to make better decisions, find closesure involving emotional wounds, and develop better approaches to situations that may be preventing them from living a happier and healthier life. Other healing modalities such as, Bach flower remedies and aromatherapy may also be discussed during sessions.

Metaphysical Intuitive Consultations can assist individuals:

  • Coping with a medical condition that fits no known diagnosis or has persisted through different attempted treatments
  • Dealing with emotional blockages that cause pain
  • Experiencing a major life transition
  • Dealing with chronic conditions
  • Who want to develop spirituality
  • Who suffer from depression and/or anxieties

Discover the blocks to your health and happiness that reside in your energy field. Knowing where and what they are can empower you to make the changes that result in their permanent elimination. If you want to learn more about why things are happening in your life, the lessons you need to learn from them, and to gain peace, optimal health, and harmony contact me today and schedule an appointment.

Clients often express to me how extremely rewarding these sessions are, and how at peace and empowered they feel after their sessions. I look forward to working with you!

Metaphysical Intuitive Consultations Fees:
90 minutes/$90
60 minutes/$75

Phone and Skype Consultations available.

"Disease is in essence the result of conflict between Soul and Mind, and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort." Dr. Edward Bach

All fees are subject to change. This web page is not contractual. Please call ahead to verify.

©Washington Institute of Natural Medicine